Friday, August 8, 2008

Time-Share Pet

"Penny De Los Santos wanted a dog but traveled too much to care for one full time. So, she opted for the next best thing: a time-share pet.

For two years, Ms. Santos shared a mellow female Husky mix with her neighbors, who took the dog for about one week a month. They split veterinary bills and the cost of vaccinations and heartworm pills. The neighbors called the dog Nika. Ms. Santos preferred the name Monica.

"It's kind of like Monica had two lives with two families," says the 39-year-old photographer in Austin, Texas."

Thursday, August 7, 2008


"The loss of Booger the pit bull terrier was almost more than Bernann McKinney could bear.

Now she is happy, minus $50,000 and her house, and owner of five cloned Booger puppies.

"It is a miracle for me because I was able to smile again, laugh again and just feel alive again," McKinney told a news conference in the South Korea capital to show off the week-old black puppies -- all of whose names include the word Booger.

They are the work of the biotech firm RNL Bio, affiliated with the South Korean lab which produced the world's first cloned dog and is staffed with former associates of disgraced scientist Hwang Woo-suk.

She sold her house in the United States to raise the $50,000 for RNL scientists to turn skin cells taken from Booger before he died two years ago into embryos carried by two surrogate dogs for two months until giving birth to the puppies last week."

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Parrot Adoption

Parrot adoption is very much like baby adoption. Those who have parrots they cannot care for offer them to people who want a parrot. The adoptive parrot owners may not be able to afford the initial outlay, or they may simply want to give a good home to a parrot that must be relocated.

Parrot adoption does not always mean “free” parrots. The term is also used for inexpensive parrots purchased from former owners."

Monday, August 4, 2008

Holistic Pet Care

"The Halo Purely For Pets blog is the place to go for up to date information on the topic of holistic pet care. Here, you will find everything from expert pet advice and animal event updates to dog food recipes and pet stories submitted by our readers. Plus, veterinarian Dr. Donna Spector answers your pet health questions with a regular "Ask Our Halo Vet" feature. Check back frequently to keep up with the growing world of natural pet care!"