Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Business of Pets

"If you think the dog walking business can’t bring in enough money to make a decent living, think again. There are certainly many people who do it as a way to make some extra cash, but there are also those who put their whole heart and soul into it and turn it into a lucrative business."

"The pet industry, always huge here in the United States, is growing by leaps and bounds. This is true especially on the internet, where people and pets from all over the world can come together. Online communities for pet lovers are not new, but they do get better with each generation.

I had to sign Bree up for the new pet social network at An Amigo immediately, of course. The other canines can’t have something she doesn’t. If she were human I’d probably be going broke trying to dress her in upscale boutique clothing."


alpha99wolf said...

These informative articles about Pets, the Pet Walking business, the plight of animals, tips and links to connect humans with animals, is outstanding. I've learned an abundance of knowledge I never had. Keeping people aware is key. The Pet Industry is creating lucrative jobs. Pet hotels, resorts, lost pet locator sites are utilizing the internet to communicate the latest update to the industry. This is fantastic. Thank you, Jane.

Sweet Tea said...

Thanks wolfie. I learn something new every day. The Internet is a wonderful source of information.